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  1. Double bump, this is kind of urgent. It's been 4 days.
  2. UPDATE: Many people who have had similar issues have been using solder. I'd like to clarify I am NOT using solder, or if it appears that I am please tell me how to disable it (though I doubt this is the case) Hello. I have been trying very hard to create a modpack for me and my friends. However, it doesn't seem to want to work. I've tried very many things and only managed to get it to work once (when forge was renamed from modpack.jar to something else) but even then it was just Vanilla, and regardless I can't replicate the results. The error is, as the title says, "Attempting to extract file "zycapack-1.0.zip", but it did not exist". I have tried making the filename just modpack.zip, zycapack-1.0.zip (as it says even though it is not named that) and just random names, all while updating the link each time. No avail. Here is the link to my modpack zip: http://dtngaming.com/zycapack.zip Here is the link to my modpack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/zycapack.784173 Here is the link to my modpack API: http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/zycapack To quote Gabe Newell, "please let me know what you think." (however I cannot be reached at [email protected]) Thank you!
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