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Posts posted by Camisnoob

  1. I am running windows 8.1 and I am using Java 7_79 (64bit) 

    When I try to launch a modpack I get an error saying it couldn't initialize VM because there wasn't enough memory allocation.  This is a common problem with a common fix, allocating more RAM.  The problem is that when I change the settings in launcher options it DOES NOT change the java settings, it still remains locked at 512 MB instead of the 2GB of ram that I want.  My computer has 7GB of ram available so it is definitely not an issue with lack of memory.  Is there a way to manually chance the java limits besides the technic launcher options? Because the launcher options are not changing the ram allocation even when I switch it to 2 or 3 GB.  

    Thank you.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Camisnoob said:

    I am running windows 8.1, using Java 7_79 (64bit). 
    When I try to launch hexxit I get this issue http://pastebin.com/2KckEbvi

    two things I noticed, " Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" " I tried fixing this by going to the url in the specific link and pasting the  slf4j-simple.jar file into the mods section of hexxit but that hasn't solved the issue.  

    I'm also getting the error "

    1. [B#347]  Error occurred during initialization of VM
    2. [B#347]  Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified

    " I don't know if this is tied to the slf4j error or not.  There might be more problems that I'm missing.  Can someone explain how to prperly resolve these issues?
    Thank you

    I have done further research and now realize the slf4j error doesn't matter and that things should still work fine with that error.

    The real issue is that my minimum and maximum heap size specifications are incompatible.  I have ensured that the version of java installed on my computer is the same one that technic uses, I checked this by clicking launcher options ->java settings -> 1.7.0_79 (64bit)   I also set memory to 2 and then 3 GB and this issue still persists.  Any further fixes?

  3. I am running windows 8.1, using Java 7_79 (64bit). 
    When I try to launch hexxit I get this issue http://pastebin.com/2KckEbvi

    two things I noticed, " Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" " I tried fixing this by going to the url in the specific link and pasting the  slf4j-simple.jar file into the mods section of hexxit but that hasn't solved the issue.  

    I'm also getting the error "

    1. [B#347]  Error occurred during initialization of VM
    2. [B#347]  Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified

    " I don't know if this is tied to the slf4j error or not.  There might be more problems that I'm missing.  Can someone explain how to prperly resolve these issues?
    Thank you

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