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Posts posted by 535

  1. Would like to see some way to regulate the power usage of the energy link :S

    The best way I've found of doing so is simply to put the link on an independent power supply. For example, I run my main base off several MV solar arrays, but my quarries run off a link (via teleport pipe) with a two dedicated LV solar arrays. This limits the link to the 16 EU/t produced by its solars, preventing it from being a drain on my main supply, while still providing plenty of power to run multiple quarries.

  2. is there any way to use eu to power quarries and other buildcraft things?

    Yes, you now need to build an energy link rather than a tin engine. They seem to soak up about as much EU as you care to pump into them and convert it all to Buildcraft power. Just plug an IC2 cable into one side and a wooden conductive pipe into another.

  3. I had this problem as well and was able to resolve it. There seem to be two problems:

    [list type=decimal]

    [li]Java 6 really doesn't cut it for Tekkit. You need Java 7.[/li]

    [li]Java 7 doesn't seem to make itself the "default" Java when you install it.[/li]

    The solution is to uninstall all copies of Java 6 before you install Java 7. I had to:

    [list type=decimal]

    [li]Uninstall Java 7 (which I'd already installed).[/li]

    [li]Uninstall multiple copies of Java 6, until none remained.[/li]

    [li]Install Java 7 again. The liniks on Technic's front page seem to be dead, so download it here. Make sure to get the 64-bit version if you're on a 64-bit version of Windows![/li]

    (Note for modders: I didn't uninstall my 1.6 JDK; it doesn't seem to cause any problems, even installed alongside a 1.7 JRE.)

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