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About LeifAlenstar

  • Birthday 01/16/1990

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Grass (2/9)



  1. I have 16Gb, I'm running the server on the same computer I'm playing on, and it might only be disconnecting me , though it gives all of us trouble when trying to expand the map. I only have as much Ram allocated as was already, tried getting into the .bat file to increase it but there was more there then I'm used to so I left it alone for now. I only seem to crash to the Launcher. But sometimes I just get kicked from the server and have to join again. Other times the server will crash. Not sure if that's because of too many passive mob entities and chunks loading for the amount of RAM I have allocated or what.
  2. Well they can connect now, I guess it was my windows firewall. still having the disconnect issue though.
  3. I'll have to check to see if it's open, I port forwarded it and Tunngle earlier in my router. But Tunngle said it was still closed. http://pastebin.com/c63mzis9 Strange I checked both Tunngles port and Minecrafts port and both are closed even though in my router it's port forwarded. would I have to add an exception to my firewalls too? Fairly sure I have 2 anyway between my routers firewall and my computers. Checking my firewalls then.
  4. I'm also getting booted from the server fairly often with an internal error or something, plus IRC is always trying to connect to a dead address. Any ideas what could be causing it?
  5. Hey any idea why people can't connect to the server? I have it port forwarded, but no one can seem to connect so I'm trying Tunngle and that seems to not work either. Kinda stumped here, because I've had a working server before and it didn't seem to have so much trouble connecting.
  6. You sir are awesome
  7. Nice, it's working on my end now too, weird that there was a delay there. The server also works well Thank you very much for your help, you've been a wonderful repository of knowledge on this. Wouldn't have been able to figure everything out so quick without your help. <3 Namaste fellow traveler. Btw would you be willing to throw the server you made onto a fileshare I could access it from? I wouldn't mind having it pre-built like that.
  8. http://pastebin.com/S8QUCZnm Like this?
  9. Yeah the crash has something to do with the version of Waila I have , because I tried putting the one I got from the other site into the pack and it works fine.
  10. Sure thing might help some other people along the way.
  11. Yeah I thought so, I only had the older versions for something else I was doing anyways....may have been minecraft related, but I can't be sure. Something I was working with before threw a hissy fit because I had the newer Java and not a specific older version. Alright I removed the old java so it's not that. Would my crash report help? Looks like a class error or something. crash-2016-04-07_18.00.48-client.txt
  12. Alright now it quits during startup and goes back to the launcher, I'm guessing me having older versions of java installed alongside the newest java might be causing conflicts? I say that because it gave me a warning about it. Weird that it's only mad about it now though.
  13. Yeah I tried that exact file and it said it couldn't find the Waila mod when it was booting up the mods.
  14. Ironically it was the only site that had a file that worked for me, I tried all the latest ones on the curse page you linked me to, since I was there earlier. Not really, I like the design of JourneyMap but I wanted the teleport ability from Voxel. At least I thought it was Voxel, might not want people to be able to teleport so easy though so I might take Voxel out for simplicity unless it's better then Journey, just like Journey's hud better I think. Thank you for pointing them out for me, I would have been scratching my head having to go through so many mods.
  15. I just updated it a second ago in the 1.5 patch, it was the Waila I had, Curse seems to have a knack for having the mods in the wrong place. It was on Curse but not in the normal download location. Either way I'm happy it's working fine now. So any other things it could use? If you could point out the client side mods too that would be nice, fairly sure I can get my server up from there. Just can't seem to remember which are for the client and which aren't. Edit* I found the file on http://mod-minecraft.net/waila-mod/ so it wasn't on Curse, not the right one anyways.
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