So I am trying to make a 1.11.2 pack, and it kept loading up vanilla. I just today managed to replace the modpack.jar with a new version (I think thats what I did. I just kinda BSed my way through) and it managed to not load up vanilla! Now it has a different problem...
I cant really describe the problem but I get an error screen saying one mod (Abyssalcraft) was missing something. I'm like "I may as well just remove it instead of fixing it" so I did that and then the next mod, Blood Magic, did the same thing. So its probobly I set something up wrong (and I added Abyssalcraft back). But I have no clue what. Also each time it gives the error message, it has two buttons. One is open the mods folder, and one is look at the logs.
This is the pack
This is the zip:
This is the error log:
ANY help or insight would be appreciated