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About NexasXellerk

  • Birthday 09/27/1993

NexasXellerk's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. When can we expect a new tekkit, especially one that is updated to 1.3 or will we not even see anything until after 1.4 is out but be in 1.3?
  2. Can I get a link to that patch?
  3. EE can dupe but it is not a glitch itself. I'm just asking if there is anything else out there that dupes when it's not supposed to.
  4. Ok, are there any other dupe glitches besides that and the one with the Black Hole Band?
  5. Can you be more specific on how to do that? Where's the file and how exactly do you turn it off? (second question is just so i don't have to post later if i can't figure it out.)
  6. Wouldn't turning it to 0 make all air blocks turn to RMFs?
  7. Have they fixed the dupe bug where you shift click in the RMF to dupe things?
  8. Red Matter Furnace
  9. Besides just taking out EE on my server(which is what i'm temporarily doing), how do I get rid of RMF so no one can have it on the server. The reason I do not want it is because of the dupe bug.
  10. i never knew it was a bug thank you
  11. Lately whenever i run the tekkit servers they decide to have errors with recipe manager and then whenever i try to do something in creative it decides to not give me any blocks i take from there and then do the whole endofstream thing to me. I need help with this because if tekkit does not want to work for me i cannot do my let's play. Please help me out.
  12. All who can play this weekend from 8 A.M. - 3 P.M my time (GMT -6:00) please notify me as soon as possible.
  13. Everyone has been sent a PM about the Let's Play and where you stand on involvement in the matter. I hope you can all get back to as soon as you can. I hope we can start filming the first episode within the next two week.
  14. If the partner like to do the editing they can do it. The videos will be uploaded by me so I will be watching the footage before upload. They could send recorded footage to me for me to edit if they don't want to edit it. They can review the footage before upload if they want.
  15. I really would like to do a let's play but my computer does not like Fraps or any other recording software for that matter. I would like to get someone who is able to get together at least once a week to record and work on footage. All i need is someone who can work within the times i am given to play which is nights on weekdays and afternoons on the weekends. Even if i get a cameraman I would also like to have other players that would like to join in on the fun. Requirements: Age: 16+ General knowledge of Tekkit Skype Premium Minecraft account Good personality What I will need: IGN: Role: When Available: Sample Material(voice and/or video):
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