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  1. It's OK now, I realised 1 of my system setting's in my computer which said something like _SYSTEM_JAVA which was stopping my java from working on the technic launcher. It's okay for me now.
  2. About 21 hours ago, an admin account was compromised. So therefore they had to close this website and any authentication. I'm sure they're still having problems with the communication between the website and the launcher, which means that people are having a few issues. I know how you feel, I haven't been able to play for over 16 hours
  3. Same :c makes mi cri evry tim
  4. I agree with this. I am pretty sure it is server side because I use the ftb launcher and that works perfectly fine.
  5. I can't launch a modpack completely. I get to the technic menu, where it lists all the modpacks, but when I click play it doesn't load. I've tried this with all of my modpacks installed, but it doesn't work with any of them
  6. So as from early this morning (GMT) i have had some pretty awful experiences with the technic launcher. At first I thought it was client side, I then realised due to the recent events, it wasn't. I haven't been able to connect to a modpack for about 14 hours. I thought that as soon as the Web page reopened, the packs would be working fine. But they haven't. The indicator bar at the bottom loads, then the play button illuminates again. Is this just me or is this a problem on your side?!
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