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Posts posted by Minecraftmage113

  1. exact same problem and someone else on a server i play on that plans on getting technic seems to have the same problem, my guess is that it is technic doing what all modpack launchers do best... being helpful until you try to play (EX: FTB best i've seen but tends to not have any of the cool modpacks many people see played and wish too play, Curse... the  launcher itself is completely broken, goob for finding mods but cant play, technic cant join servers (nor can i find where to get the mods from the pack from or where to see mods in a pack before download)) honestly my best advice for this is what i almost always do with modpack launchers: get the pack, harvest the mods from the launcher, and then use the vanilla launcher with the mods.


    EDIT: in this case mods (and worlds if you made any) would be harvested from

    C:\Users\<Your User>\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\<desired mod pack>

    most likely dont use the last bit and just select the folder from modpacks as some of these have funny names


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