Now I'm here. And I'm going to apologize if I end up becoming overly aggressive about this, but at this point it has kind of gotten rather infuriating at the lack of any response.
I have had a modpack up on Technic for my server for around 1.5 years now. About 4 months or so ago, for some reason the button to delete comments from the modpack had suddenly stopped working. It will prompt me to delete the comment, and then just send my browser back to the top of the page, doing nothing. I've probably submitted a report on various comments now about every couple of weeks, trying to get some sort of help on this, and have received none.
And so here is the ranty part. As a server owner, you will occasionally run into a problem child that wants to come back to your modpack comments and rage out because they ended up getting banned. Most of these I don't mind, because they are just begging for unbans, and I can deal with that. The problem I have is with those that leave derogatory remarks, and other colorful language repeatedly just to try and stir up as much drama as possible. The fact that I can't get rid of those comments is pretty absurd. Yes, I have reported them as "Offensive content" as well, only for nothing to happen.
I don't expect something to happen instantly, especially since technic is a huge platform. But at this point I have to go "What gives?". Is there something I have missed recently with the "delete post" being broken, or am I just going to have to deal with no longer being able to monitor my own modpack page?
A link to the technic page in case I can find some help here -