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Posts posted by Kryllex

  1. Not sure if this is the right topic to post this in but

    I want to change my username to Kryllex, I accidentally changed it to my first and middle name on the main website a while back 

    If there is no way to change it that's fine but if there is please share I want real username :c

  2. 23 hours ago, JaariAtmc said:

    It'd probably help if you didn't download almost every mod off 9minecraft, but from Curseforge. Yes, I'm aware that curseforge is butt ugly right now.

    For example, the Optifabric-Mod-1.14.3(1) you included (a dead give-away you didn't get it from Curseforge) has 2 newer versions already. I had to look at the source of the mod to find this out, as 9mc is so lovely to remove all the mod's version tags.

    Thank you for the response, I'm on CurseForge getting some the fabric mods that I like, and making sure they are updated recently

    But do you know if I can run the Fabric json file AND the most recent Forge file in the bin folder at the same time? That way I can get forge and fabric mods in the same modpack?

  3. Whenever I launch my modpack, the launcher closes, sits there and then the launcher opens back up again. If I launch any other modpack it opens just fine.

    I am assuming this is happening because I am trying to run a Fabric modloader kinda setup with mods that aren't listed as Fabric, and I thinking I might need Forge to go along with Fabric but I'm not sure if both of those would work in the same "bin" folder? Maybe this is not the problem but I am in no way exerienced with this stuff, sorry if the fix is really obvious

    I am also running some mods that *aren't* 1.14.3, but I believe after reading the description of Fabric on their website, and I could be wrong, that the point of Fabric is to allow mods from previous patches to be played in future ones? 

    All or any help is appreciated


    LINKS \/

    Pastebin (logs when trying to launch) ::: https://pastebin.com/V85HYrPv

    Dropbox (the link I gave technic for my files when creating modpack) ::: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/rnmqpvsiky4p4u6/Modpack.zip?dl=1

    The Modpack Page (Incase this can help) ::: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/modded-1143-survival.1472254



  4. Hi, im just going to lay it all out. First, I made my server with Forge and I tried connecting to it thru technic but it did not work, it crashed as soon as I got into the server, sent me back to launcher. I found MrCrayfish mod causes problems, deleted it, then it worked. Then, I OPed myself after a minute of being in server, it crashed in a few seconds after that, back to launcher again. Crash log will be at bottom of this post. When I go to the server console it says my connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, to add.

    Then, my IP that I gave my friends (my IPv4 or whatever, works for me but the only friend that tried joining got this message

    "io.netty.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection time out: no further information:"

    I thought because this could be a private IP, that I needed to use my public one, (which I know what It is) but the server I made is linked to my Pv4 not that, and making the port 25575 as I saw someone do didn't help...

    Here is the crash report for me


    here is the end where "server stopped" or something started repeating

    here are the list of my mods (all 1.12.2)
    (I heard Damage-Indicators could cause problems from being "client side" but then I saw someone say that didn't matter, so Im not sure but ill try removing that
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated, I have 5 friends and me that all want to play so Im really frustrated with all these problems.
    Please reply for any other screenshots or logs you may need.


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