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  1. Well, does it work now
  2. Helli Shrillbear52, You said that you wasn‘t be able to actually launch it. It was startimg fine for me, but i think it was because i did the long and difficult way to start it. Well it started after installing directly without any errors, but at starting the Actual Game, it crashed because of the missing dependecies, feel free to ask me again if you have some errors, i already did the same at my Modpacks and the Server Packs for the mods, and i am running the Server on Debian, so i am a bit into Linux.
  3. Helli Shrillbear52, Fixing your Modpack is done now, i managed to install some dependencies but the more detailed version of what i did, is in the Rar folder, so enjoy link:https://mega.nz/#!baBz2YaQ!xkjZreJn5Q4kYbCrzmdpLDwE6PE85Mjb0GfIfCQ2xmk janmalte750
  4. Hello ShrillBear52, Some times it is just difficult to find the problem, if you only have the log file, so i want to ask you, if you could send me your pack and i look for it myself, i create modpacks too, and at creating a Modpack it is always something like trial and error and that is really annoying, i have to do this too. But my modpacks work though. So could you send me your Modpack per personal message. I dont know what are the limitation for file sizes so it would be good if you could send me a link from a platform like Mega. janmalte750
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