Community Rules:
No NSFW content.
No racism or harassment of any kind.
Respect other members.
No advertising or soliciting of any kind.
Respect all staff.
Do not impersonate staff.
Use of cheats or exploits is strictly prohibited.
Banned Mods/Items:
Redstone in Motion
Notable Plugins:
GriefPrevention (Land Claims)
IndicaCorp (formerly known as IndicaSpace or IndicaCloud) is a small, tight-knit, community evolved around Minecraft. We started as a small vanilla server back in 2014, and over the years we have adapted various other games and modpacks. Right now our venture lies with Tekkit. Currently we are looking for regular, dedicated, and mature members to join our community. Please note that as we move forward with this chapter, the decision to keep the server running on Tekkit will be solely based on the amount of interest and activity we acquire.
P.S. Please don't be shy! We would welcome you on our forums or Discord regardless of which server you decide to play on.
Note About Up-Time:
As noted above - this server is relatively new (although experienced in what we do). Updates are currently actively being pushed to the server. However administrators are aware that we are live, and they will be mindful of players that are online. All that you need to expect is a few extra restarts here and there.
Hope to see you in game!