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  1. Solved it myself
  2. i got it so it now loads the minecraft window and goes through all of the mod loading and such, then crashes
  3. i got it, here it is in dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/0wrbabayuj2je0l/techniclauncher_2019-09-02.log?dl=0
  4. how would i go about getting one of those
  5. What do I do to fix the issue then I got rid of the java fix thing
  6. Several posts told me that it would help the issue i was having
  7. When i load my custom modpack, the technic launcher installs minecraft assets, disappears then reappears after about 2 seconds without minecraft ever having launched. Anyone know what i can do to fix this? Dropbox link with all the mods and such: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5onv54ysnv26rx/Darling Destiny.zip?dl=0 Heres the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0wrbabayuj2je0l/techniclauncher_2019-09-02.log?dl=0
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