Hello, I am still (relatively) new to the forums so please don't kill me if I put this in the wrong section.
Recently, I noticed that the version of Minecraft Forge that Technic distributes for 1.12.2 is outdated. Currently, version is used by Technic mod packs, and the new version is
While this could be considered a beta version of Forge, the most recent official version of JEI (Just Enough Items) requires this version. Several other major mods may also require it, however I have not bothered to check around for this. My (hidden) mod pack also requires this version of Forge for some of its mods (including JEI). This being said, I would like to ask that Technic staff update their version of 1.12.2 Forge as soon as feasibly possible, so that my friends can play together again without having to go through the complex process of moving mods in and out of their game folders.
Thank you for reading, --CatzRule81.
P.S.: This is not meant to criticize anyone, I'm just letting Technic know their software is outdated. No offense intended.