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Posts posted by Expresen

  1. I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but I don't know where else to ask it, so it will have to do.

    I have made a modpack that works just fine, but the thing I'm wondering about is the logs I get inside the logs folder of my modpack folder. When I open one of these logs I get text that is in a weird font that I belive to be the Courier new font. Is this normal? Because I can't read anything that is writen inside the logs.

  2. 2 hours ago, JaariAtmc said:

    Remember the part where you needed to rename the forge jar to "modpack.jar"? In your case, you need to rename it to "modpack" instead of "modpack.jar".

    I did as you said and now a new problem has occurred...
    I click on play in the launcher and the files start to download, but then when they're done the launcher closes down for a split second and then opens back up again without ever even opening anything else.
    Any ideas on what the problem could be this time?

  3. So I am new to mopacks and I have no idea what I'm actually doing but I followed some tutorials on how to do it and I managed to create a modpack that I could run and my mods are in the folder for my modpack. The problem is that whenever I play the mopack in the Technic launcher it only starts up the vanilla version of minecraft and my mods are nowhere to be seen. I did check the modpack options in the technic launcer to see if I could see the mods there, in the folder, and I could, they were all there....

    I don't know what the problem is and I would love some help.
    Here is the dropbox link I used to upload the modpack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1nq6botjssakg0/ModpackV1.zip?dl=1
    Here is the modpack download link: http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/rt-modpack

    If any more info is needed just ask and I'll provide it if I can.
    Thanks in advance! ❤️

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