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Everything posted by MrZNuke

  1. techniclauncher_2020-11-08.log It's in the log but it's alot of text.
  2. I've tried many solutions to try and get the Technic Launcher to properly install. For example, I turned off my anti-virus, clean installs of java etc but to no prevail. The problem exactly is that each time I try to install it to my directory my mouse just keeps flickering with the loading icon and when I check my directory nothing has been installed in the assets folder and the log file just keeps getting longer and longer with the same text being repeated over and over. The only way I can stop the mouse flickering is by deleting the .json file which sends me back to the installer. Any suggestions for help will be greatly appreciated. In addition to that, the .exe is already an exception to my firewall but it still doesn't want to install.
  3. Is it possible for someone to send me all the mods that the mod pack Dragon Block Apollo uses since I can't install the launcher and I really want to play in their server. By the way. If I've posted this in the wrong section of the forums, sorry about that.
  4. Sorry for posting it in the wrong part of the forums. I'm quite new here.
  5. Any suggestions will help. Literally anything.
  6. Whenever I double click the .exe file of technic launcher it gives me the option to install but after a while the loading icon on my mouse begins to go on and off and it doesn't stop. The only way I'm able to stop it is by deleting the settings.json file. I'm on Windows 10 and I had no problem before but now I can't install it. Any suggestions to fix my problem? Thank you.
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