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Everything posted by chris6273

  1. I'm not running PermissionsEX - Just the default tekkit Server. I've tried opping both the [buildCraft] and [inductrialCraft] users but the problem still occurs. Any more ideas?
  2. Yeah I am op on the server and it still occurs. Its quite annoying lol
  3. Cheers, that helped .
  4. Im glad I found this thread after seeing the news of the Forestry Mod no longer being supported in future versions of Tekkit. This 'BC-IC2 crossover mod' - Does it allow you to connect an electric engine (Which runs off the old Fibre/Cable EU network) to a Wooden Pipe to suck items out of an item so to speak? So at the moment I have: Chest - Wooden Transport Pipe (Powered by an electrical engine from EU) - Cobblestone Transport pipe - chest. Will the mod allow me to replace the equivalent electrical engine when forestry is removed with another which does the same job powered off of EU? I'm a tad confused on how it works :L Edit: Will the Energy Link likely still be Present in new versions?
  5. Hi guys, I've searched for it but haven't found anything on this: Is the forestry mod being removed from Tekkit 3.0.0 when it is released or are they not in because its a dev build? I'm confused with the first few posts regarding it lol.
  6. I too find that 'moron' reply a bit too far. If you are sick of people asking the same question, maybe you could publicize the topic more as a sticky? That's the first place I look... Or at the very least add a sticky at the top of the forum asking and showing people how to use the search function might be a good idea - There are plenty of different Forum software's on the net and you can't be familiar with all of them.
  7. I'm having the exact same problem with Tekkit. I've tried hosting the server on both my PC and on an actual server but both render the same results. For some reason, if I manage to get the pump to work (by restarting the server numerous times) the oil eventually gets stuck in the pipe and the pump doesn't pump oil anymore. If I dont restart the server, the pipe on the bottom of the pump doesn't retract at all (Both engines on). I'm not running any extra mods - Just the 2.1.1 server. I've tried starting off fresh on a new map - Same problem. I might also mention that the teleport pipes do not work over long distances either (Despite putting ChunkLoading blocks in the Chunks). Both servers are running Java7. Also for some reason when I try restarting the server to remedy this situation, chunks go missing and don't reappear. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. I'm getting the 'Internal Server Error' as well. When I have spawned an item on the server to a player and they click on it, they immediately get kicked with the 'Internal Server Error' Error. Any ideas? At the moment, players on the server have items in their inventory which they can't get rid of without spamming their Q button.
  9. Okay, I just tried making myself a server OP and as soon as I restarted the server, I keep getting an 'End Of Stream' error, every time I try to connect. I've tried restarting the server multiple times and taking my name out of the OP file, but its still doing it. I'll try later I think. Thanks for your help.
  10. Well the cheatmode clientside shows as enabled and I have changed the value in the NEI file on the server, but there is no sign of the cheat mode...
  11. Hi guys, I have just downloaded Tekkit 2.0 and set it up as a server. In the Technic 6 SSP, it is possible to enable a cheat mode so that you can get as many items as you wish from the right side menu. Is there a way to do this in the Tekkit 2.0 SMP? I haven't been able to find a way to do this despite using the search feature. Cheers
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