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Everything posted by Coled1997

  1. Age 16 Country USA IGN coled1997 Do you understand the rules? Of course I do whats not to get Im really excited to join this server
  2. Re: [24/7][2.1.1][Quantum Gaming Tekkit Server][42 slots][Whitelist] IGN: coled1997 Have you ever been banned: Yes by an admin when I was a moderator on a server for putting in my opinion please do not hold this against me for I was only standing for what I belived in. What do you plan to do on the server: I plan to play and have fun like a normal player would but I would also make some discoveries into Some industrial iteams. What is your experience level with Tekkit?I have been playing for about 2 months now I belive im ready for your server, But Im kinda new Ive learnd alot from the tekkit with dunncan videos. Please hope you accept my application: coled1997 XOXOXOXO Ha
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