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About Neeneko

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. You could always just disable the mass fabricator entirely. Iridium is only really used for making quantum armor, and it is silly strong anyway. You could always just have iridium as an NPC sell item instead.
  2. That varies. Just like PvP, or griefing, or factions.. EE is something that some people want to be enabled, and some people do not want enabled, which is why there are plenty of both types of servers represented. Some people find it is important for them to have fun, others find it to be a fun killer... and as was already pointed out, it is an economy killer.
  3. Interesting. Since it happens erratically, I wonder if some mod is confused or grabbing IDs dynamicly....
  4. I am assuming this isn't a 'bug' per say, but I was wondering if someone could give me some guesses. There is a server that I connect to that I seem to get a lot of these errors from. The packet ids are all over the place (including vanilla block ids as far as I can tell). Some people on the server also seem to have issues, but others do not. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction regarding this error, or at least give me a summary of what it means. Is it likely to be something messed up on my client or is it a server issue? This is more for the sake of curiosity then anything else, I figure I can't do much about it, but it is a mystery that I would love to know what is going on Thanks all.
  5. Do you have a network connection at the time? I haven't checked in a while, but I know at one point one of the curl calls in the script would fail if you were offline and it couldn't grab the latest launcher version.
  6. Need.. must... no. What you describe is one way of building an artificial economy, it is far from the only way. Skill trees as a barrier are kinda like skinner boxes.. they are common because they are easy and well understood, but they are also crude not to mention hard to balance. Much of this really depends on scale. Economic structures that work well for 10 players tend not to work like ones intended for 1,000 players. Regional economies can work when you have large player bases, but even then you generally should not make fundamental things like iron regional since that makes lockdown (either through intent or lack of economic participation) common. In general you want an economy that it is to the benefit of the player to interact with, not one the player is forced to via crippled mechanics or tedious advancement. Ideal case, the player should be sitting and working on something, realize they need some wood.. and when they think 'hrm, which is easier, going to my trade screen and buying wood on the market, or going out and getting some', which tends to result in players specializing in a few things and buying other things because it is easier. Granted, this tends to work best on larger scales with a robust economy in which most goods are readily available. To the OP, the tricky part about minecraft economies is they are all very small. Balance becomes more difficult the fewer people you have, and it becomes more important to meddle directly. Taxes are a good sink (either for property, or on transactions), while mob bounties (maybe buying XP?) and NPC merchants can be good faucets. You will have to watch for inflation and other balance issues, but that can be fixed by adjusting the values or simply selling bonds. Regardless, if your playerbase is small and you want the economy to actually get heavy use, you are going to have to supplement it with NPC activity to some degree.
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