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About Daikini

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. im not even gonna bother... i can be polite and ask a question but the person beeing an ass towards me well .... most people dont say anything about him.. that makes sence. There is just one less person i respect. but as i said ill never ask another question in here agian.. if thats how you get treatet and it seems like that
  2. i know how much work goes into this dont get me wrong.. but that still dossent justefy that .. period. if you cant handle it then dont do it easy as that
  3. that might be the case but still Niavmai need to learn a better tone towards people .. no matter if things are easy or not.. im just not good at it! Hence i asked the question on here cus people that work on the Techni Pack know more then i do.. i figured that was normal to do..
  4. Reason beeing im not good at researching i just know what the mods are called.. Acting like a king ? what planet are you from seriously if you used your brain and not your mouth you might have a different outcome of peoples reactions. Not for me.. i respecet every living person on this planet.. and treat them like that.. unless they insult me But Niavmai ill stop asking you or the Tekkit guys anymore questions, cus basic politenes and respect.. well you cant complain about something that issent there
  5. i really think you guys should try beein nice instead of acting like your on top of the world and everyone beneath you is less then you... i was simply asking a question you could just have said "thats not posible at pressent time" instead you act like a twat.. nice going.. wonder if your like that in real life...
  6. okey... ill never ask question in here agian if this is the attitude you get for asking.
  7. This mod is for me a big ecencial of making my farms in forestry and other things .. like auto crafting and so forth would it be posible to merge that into the Tekkit pack.. Also it would be nice to have buildcraft version. 3.1.3 there is ALOT of cool new features in that i.e gates, blueprints that can really help in automasation. I really hope the people that makes the Tekkit pack has the time to anwser this.
  8. so anyone got a solution to the problem cus i dont wanna run with normal pipes all over my production area...
  9. ok ill try and make it more clear 2 diamond gears + 1 glass = 8 Teleport Pipes i can get that far but when i click on the teleport pipes they wont spawn or what you want to call it. i can cheat my self but i dont wanna do that.. get it now ?
  10. They er displayed in NEI and i cant build them but they wont "get build" e.i i cant get the in my iventory Help?
  11. ill look into it and i got the Klein Start right away Thanks for the help everyone!!!! Diamonds for you all or RM if you prefer :P
  12. at least not with BC / IC2 items redstone worked tho
  13. when i put fuel and other things in the Transmutation Table to learn stuff like fuels and IC2 and BC items it spits them out agian.. so it refuses to learn them
  14. and Mobius fuel dossent work in Steam Engines either ?:P
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