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Posts posted by lucylovebiscuit

  1. IGN:lucylovebiscuit


    Why do you want to join: I have a personal server, but my friends have moved on to other things, so it's usually just me and (rarely) my husband. I'd really like to be a part of a more active group and make some new friends...Minecraft is always better with company! Also, being a dinosaur in age compared to most folks who play MC, I'd rather play with other *ahem* dinosaurs. ;)

    Strengths in Minecraft: I love working my way through the mods, and of course, building all the things. I used to play Tekkit, until I discovered AotBT. I'm an artistic person, so I really try to give everything I build a unique look that works with the purpose...for example, I built an observatory for my Galacticraft Lab, and a wooden tower surrounded by gardens and trees for my witchery base. I've done some pretty extensive projects over the years, and have kept the same world (created September, 2011) going through several iterations of Vanilla MC and Tekkit.

    How many years have you been playing MC: Since April, 2011.

    How much will you be playing: It really depends on the community. I usually play in the evenings (USA, GMT - 7:00) and weekends when I can.

    Microphone: yes

    Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Nope, I don't make videos, although I'm not opposed to being a guest in someone else's video.

    Youtube channel:

  2. I just discovered that if you go to the railcraft wiki page for each of the items you want to make that require, for example, rebar, there are alternate recipes for us folks who don't have the newest version installed. So no Rolling Machines are required. It took a bit of digging to figure that out, though.

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