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About Lonewolf5764

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Lonewolf5764's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Thank you so much nico that worked and I still had everything I had before You just made my summer alot better lol. Btw this was my first post here, so how did I do on the format?
  2. :(... It would really suck if I couldn't, because All of my friends were at dark matter and I had just acquired a red matter pick, which took hours :/
  3. Is there Anything I can do?
  4. Just realized I double posted... DON'T MIND THIS ONE, THE OTHER IS COMPLETE
  5. Tekkit rec build Windows 7 Java seven, or latest. My server was working fine until yesterday, when the launch prompt came up with a severe error (Or a couple) The only possible reason I can think of is that I tried to install b permissions, but stopped and dragged the files out of the plugins folder. It did work after I did that though... I did that two days ago and it stopped working yesterday morning, but the evening that I failed at installing b permissions, it still worked. Reading through the log there is a couple different severe errors, the most common being that the modloader could not load. Many in the server log.. like Severe -Unexpected exception, modloader could not load! Pastebin- http://pastebin.com/iHzsz4PG
  6. Technic 6.0.7 1.1 (Rec. Build) Windows 7 Java 7 (Or whatever the latest one is) Until now, my server has been working fine. It is just a normal private hamachi server with a couple of my friends, but for some reason it just stopped. The launch server cmd prompt gets stuck at a certain point with severe errors. The only thing I can think of is the night before I was trying to install b permissions to give my friends the set home ability, but I ended up stopping and dragging the files out. It worked all night after the problem, but the next morning it wouldn't run. Another possible reason is that I was going from friend to friends house that night so I was on different internet connections, but
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