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Everything posted by zergking

  1. wait, nvm. wrong thread
  2. When i launch the dev build of Technic 1.2.5 (it used to work...) and start a world, i get a saving chunks error. I am running on a Windows 7 OS, with 64 bit java 6 installed on it. Launcher/pack Version: Dev build of Technic 1.2.5 Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit Version of Java: Java 6 update 31 Description of Problem: When i try to load up a world, i get a saving chunks error message. Error Messages: Saving CHunks Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/VZMYmJ9Q
  3. gee, you know what would suck? if a bunch of creepers and endermen destroyed your factory. Thats why you have a house. Oh wait, you dont have one
  4. wait, nvm. found the problem. please lock/delete this post
  5. The map had nothing related to technic, and it crashed. It was a saving chunks error. I apologize if this is in the wrong thread.
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