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About Wisq

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. It seems to simply be a problem with "mirror.technicpack.net". I wonder if it's overloaded? I'm showing a sudden jump in latency between it and the previous hop (60ms vs. 360ms), and a lot of retransmissions (via tcpdump). The really annoying thing is, if the client can't contact mirror.technicpack.net, it claims it "Could not connect to minecraft.net", even though it never actually tries. (So blocking it from connecting to mirror.technicpack.net makes it launch faster, but always in offline mode.) Restarting the client several times helps, because there's a chance it'll actually work. However, even when it does seem to work, sometimes I still end up offline in-game. (Millenaire calls me "Player" instead of my Minecraft account name.)
  2. I've found that the Energy Link is far better (more efficient) than the Electrical Engine ever was. The only downside is, it uses as much power as it possibly can, so if you don't want it sucking your batteries dry, run several devices off a single Link (rather than running a bunch of Links), and/or use Transformers to reduce the voltage as low as possible before connecting to the Link.
  3. (I fail at applying patches, nothing to see here, herp derp) :P
  4. Applied this and I was immediately able to log back in, when I had been previously getting kicked immediately with the error every time I tried. Great stuff! The only downside is, it seems to have broken the "right click to eat gravel" function of my dark matter shovel. Or something's broken it, anyway. But, no worries, since I think that's what got me in this mess in the first place — right-clicking on ores didn't crash me at all. Never mind, I was just out of EMC and didn't realise it. Silly me!
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