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Posts posted by Vexed

  1. Player Information

    All player information will be submitted here in neat and acceptable format.

    What is your Minecraft account name?


    What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)

    >Implying I'll share this on the forums. It's on the private application.

    What is your Timezone?

    UTC -5

    Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?


    What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

    I've played on RP servers in WOW and in Minecraft.

    How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

    I found out via this website.

    Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.

    No. I was approved last time, but I need to Shrekify my character.

    Have you posted this application on the appropriate Technic sub forum? (If not, please do so at this link "IT'S HERE NOW BEYBEE ")


    Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

    Yes I have, and yes I swear to abide to it.


    Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


    Role-Playing is where you act as a character, like an actor would do in a TV show.


    Meta-Gaming is where you use outside knowledge to give you an advantage in the game world. For example, looking at a ban report thread on the website and seeing coordinates for a base that you could raid would be Meta-Gaming.


    God-Modding is where you make your character some super powerful guy who can do very unrealistic things. This is usually done through writing, because you should be treated like a super powerful guy if you really did fight off an entire invasion on your own in the actual game.

    In-Character Information

    Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

    Character Name:


    Character Age:


    Characters Race:


    Characters Biography:

    Shrek misses his home in the Swamp. As time went on, the pollution from the nearby city became too much for the fine being to stay. He became a nomad, looking for a way to live and a home. He took small jobs wherever he could get them, be it a small village or Cestus.

    People never really respected him (or enjoyed his presence for that matter) because of his appearance. The thing is, there's a lot more to transhumans than people think. Eventually he learned to tolerate the way people looked at him, but he still did not favor meeting new people.

    Weary of the constant judgement from strangers, he decided it was time to find a home and settle down. Maybe the locals would grow to accept him, despite his scary looks and large build.

    Meta Questions

    In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

    You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

    This would depend almost entirely on a couple of factors. First off, it would depend on the reputation of the group that those soldiers represent. If they were city guards for a city filled with corruption, I'd probably stand up for the thug. If there really weren't shady figures in the city, I'd keep on walking.

    However, the soldiers could be treating the man unfairly, such as pushing him around or hitting him. In this case, I'd stand up for the man if this was a messed up city. I'd report it to a higher power if there weren't shady figures in the city.

    As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

    The first thing I would do would be to see if there were any guards or soldiers nearby, because I could call to them for help. If I could not do this, then I would yell at the people moving the crates. I could possibly get them to run off if I shouted things like, "Hey, what do you think you're doing!" Y'know, the kind of stuff you yell at someone if you catch him trying to pick your pocket.

    If they hadn't have left at this point, then I would prepare to engage the enemy if there were just a few of them. If there were several of them, I would run and look for help that wasn't currently in the immediate vicinity.

    You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

    Well, this could actually have two completely different answers. Maybe I did something that was bad enough for my family to disown me, and my house becomes repossessed, but it's minor enough for me to not go to jail. It could be something like stealing from market stands, or starting a fight.

    I'm honestly not quite sure what would be so bad that this would be a good punishment. If it were treason, murder, or something along those lines, I would still pose a threat to others. Leaving me alive would be a very unwise move.

    Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

    I'd probably just walk out. I don't see a reason to get involved in it, unless they're just picking a fight with a random person in the bar. At that point, I'd stand up for that person, and possibly even get in a fight for that.

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