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About Bear1717

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Bear1717's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Mob Arena to update soon, check back later for more details! Note: Moderator positions still open
  2. Looking for 2 replacement moderators!
  3. If you are interested in applying for moderator, please fill out the application neatly and appropriately. How to write an application: Minecraft username: Age: Reason for applying: Qualifications: Why should I pick you instead of the other guy? Are you a donator? If so, how much have you donated? Any history of being a moderator/admin/owner? If so state the rank and provide proof that you were such rank (ie: Photo of you talking with rank & date along with server information). If you were promoted what would you contribute: If you were the server owner, then how would you go about improving this server? How many hours can you be on each day/week: Anything special that you feel I should know:
  4. Halloween Event: Dear all players, We are hosting a special event at the spawn! Meet us in the pumpkin patch for some great gift giveaways as well as a couple of rounds of spleef. It starts at 9:00 PM EST. Hope to see you all there! ~Bear (Owner)
  5. Note to all potential players: Please do not advertise other servers! Thanks :)
  6. Added Grief Prevention and removed towny due to several glitches it was causing.
  7. Updated to include our most recent addition: Towny! :)
  8. About: This is a PvP/Griefing Tekkit server where we host many fun events such as spleef, ZOMBIE TAKEOVER (Our own creation ), mob arena, and we also have built a PvP Arena that is always open! In these events you can compete and the winner is awarded with in-game money to! This is a new tekkit server, however don't be fooled, we are NOT NEW to managing a server! Each one of the staff has a lot of experience in running a server. We would love to have you on the server to help us grow as a community. We hope to see you on there! PS: We are currently looking for 2 moderators to help support the growing number of people. --------------------------------------- IP: Mc.Bearcraft.Org ---------------------------------- Website: http://elitebearsquad.webs.com/index.htm -------------------------------------- Uptime:Always ------------------------------------------ Rules: 1)No racism/swearing/being rude to other players 2)No 3rd party modifications/cheats/hacking 3)No advertising of other servers 4)Respect everyone on the server Plugins: Announcer Citizens Essentials GlobalShop GriefPrevention Iconomy PermissionsEX SpamGuard Votifier WorldBorder WorldEdit WorldGuard Banned Items: World Anchors Abyssal Armour (Gem Armour) Mining Turtles Ring of Ignition Morning Star Destruction Catalyst Teleport Pipes Teleport Tether Pictures! This is the server spawn which is modeled after the U.S. White House! Hope to see you soon!
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