I'm having a similar issue, so I can add to the report but shall not start a new thread seeing a one already exists.
Launcher/Pack Version:
Operating System: Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2 64-bit (Just as a note, DragonAltair is using Service Pack 1, I'm using Service Pack 2, in case that makes any difference)
Version of Java: Version 7 Update 4, build 1.7.0_04-b22
Antivirus Program: ZoneAlarm Extreme Security version: (Another note, I searched the Zone Alarm logs looking for the same time stamp from the technic launcher logs [23:31:31], none found;
vsmon version: however, in the program log at [18:56:56] ZoneAlarm records that the Technic Launcher is a new program, as it was just downloaded.
Driver version: I did go in to make sure the technic launcher was allowed to run and isn't being blocked in any way.)
Anti-virus engine version:
Anti-virus signature DAT file version: 1086758432
ZoneAlarm Browser Security: 1.5.350.0
ZoneAlarm ForceField Spyware Scanner: 1.5.350.0
ZoneAlarm ForceField Anti-Phishing Database:
ZoneAlarm ForceField Spyware Sites Database: 04.155
Description of Problem: Upon starting up the launcher version, it reaches the Technic Launcher logo, where it stops with the logo stuck on the screen. All other applications and processes continue as normal behind the logo. Upon examining the task manager, no application that is connected to the launcher, only the java.exe process. The entire application closes and the logo is frozen on the screen. Like DragonAltair, the only way to remove the logo is by restarting the system in some way or ending that java.exe process. Like Dragon Altair, I've downloaded the technic launcher again and downloaded java again. I have also tried running the .jar with Java SE Binary, but that ends in the same way. I searched the technic launcher logs to find the following two entries for the processes that I have started with this fourth download of the technic launcher that ended with the same bug, no other processes were run besides these two that are in the pastebin.
Error Message: N/A
Pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/3NPUpDkR
I'm not entirely sure what the "mirrors" are and why they are failing, or what the exception in the "main" thread is; granted, I suppose if I did, I wouldn't be here posting on the bug boards. The exception message appears in both my log and DragonAltair's log.
Just another possible factor: Before the launcher came out, I was manually installing the technic pack (So yes, I very much appreciate the work put in by the members of the Technic Team), while obviously new versions of java have come out and I've downloaded java multiple times, I'm not sure there is the possibility that settings or parameters were somehow damaged. All the files originally associated with that manual installation are gone, the .minecraft, and of the mod folders, and the java, except the 7-Zip File Manager.
I'm very sorry if this violates the mandatory report format in any way. I'm just Suchanoob.
Sorry Dragon Altair that this doesn't really help you in resolving the problem, and to any one who might try to help, as this basically doubles the problem.