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Everything posted by Minecraft960

  1. Title: Inventory Crashes Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Mac OSX 10.6.8 Java Version: 6 Description of Problem: It would seem that whenever I try to access my inventory, chest, options menu, or chat box, it crashes my tekkit client. Eventually (after force closing many times) the problem goes away, but it takes about 20 minutes for it to finally work. I get a white screen after it freezes for a good 15 seconds and the familiar error log screen flashes for a split second. After that, I only get a white screen until I force close the application. It is extremely frustrating and any help would be much appreciated! Error Messages: Error Log:
  2. Anyone?
  3. So I love Not Enough Items, but I am having a slight and annoying issue. I can't select the far right column in the page list. It gets pretty annoying after a while. Any help? Thanks
  4. Yeah right now its for me and 2 or 3 friends. Just turning of online mode would allow them to join?
  5. So... As we all know, hamachi is a pain in the butt. Is there any other way to run a Tekkit server though? Surely there is a better way? Thanks
  6. Yes I am using the right version. No its not an ID problem. I've dealt with plenty of those I am assuming its because of the .class files I have to replace with the mod? Or it's because I'm on a dumb Mac...
  7. Oh! I completely missed those! Thank you so much! Now how would you go about adding other mods? I always get the same error no matter what mod i try to install... Edit: I am not using the wrong version BTW
  8. I am in dire need of this mod that I found. It's called vertical redstone and I bet you can guess what it does. I need to add this to my tekkit server, but I can't every time I add it to my client, I get "This server requires you to have modloader installed." I am not new to modding, hacking, ect. but with this, I am at a loss. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
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