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Everything posted by Joseja

  1. Minecraft Username: Joseja Have you ever been banned, if so, why?: Not even once What do you plan to do on the server: I am planning to build a base with a friend and then explore the projects of the community and collaborate where I can. Do you have any previous experience with tekkit? If so, what?: I have played in some servers and I am quite experienced using IndustrialCraft, EquivalentExchange and RedPower.
  2. Your In Game Name: Joseja Your Age: 18 How often are you planning on playing: a few hours a day For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: a very big underground base with lots of automatized devices For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I would love to start experimenting with RedPower & ComputerCraft For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: It matches my type of player and it has all the mods I am most comfortable with. Additional Comments: I am joining with some friends, so we all hope this is a great server where we can have lots of fun!
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