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Posts posted by Scoobymenace

  1. Title: Tekkit Lite Visual Bug

    Version: 0.5.1

    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

    Java Version: Java 7 Update 21 (64 Bit)

    Description of Problem:

    Blocks on Tekkit Lite wont update once broken, making a false block and the visual bug. This can be made to happen by doing things like place a torch on a block then break the block underneath making the torch look like its floating yet you still get the torch back, and also cutting down trees with treecapitator make the bug happen, as the tree is still there but its only a fake visual tree... yet i still cant walk though the fake tree.

    Error Messages:

    Error Log:


  2. Hi i would like to start off by saying that when i had recently updated tekkit to minecraft V1.2.5 i started to update my world, although as soon as i had got on to the world everything had been reverted all the way back to when i first started building there and i cant find any back ups or how to put it back to how it was :(! Thats about 50 hours of gameplay gone down the drain because of the bloody update, but another thing to mention is that my other world that isnt as far hadnt changed a bit and was still like it was before the update, im confused and very sad that all of my stuff has gone. any solutions on how to fix this would be great thanks.

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