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Posts posted by Exon

  1. Ok so, I tried Installing InfiTools for Tekkit. Here's what I did:

    1. Went to the page for Bukkit ports -> http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Ports_for_1.2.5

    2. Dropped the files from InfiBase in my Craftbukkit.jar

    3. Dropped the files from 4016 Block ID fix in my Craftbukkit.jar

    4. Put the InfiTools-Core-Bukkit.zip in my server/mods/ folder

    5. Dropped the client zip of InfiTools in my Tekkit/mods/ folder

    6. Fired up my server and client

    7. Server loads up successfully, showing that all mods have loaded -> http://puu.sh/BxES

    8. Tried joining, works.

    But as soon as I try and craft something that requires InfiTools, I get the error "java.lang.NullPointer.Exception" and my server window says "disconnect.endOfStream"

    (also NEI doesn't show any of the new items)

    I've also tried dropping the contents of InfiTools-Core-Bukkit.zip into the Craftbukkit.jar directly, same thing.

    What's also weird is that I can join the server without actually requiring InfiTools on my client. Normally it should tell me that I'm missing the InfiTools mod, this isn't the case here.


    Thanks in advance ;<

  2. I see, thanks for the quick answer. If you could answer me something else I would be even more grateful.

    Do all of these -> http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Ports_for_1.2.5 mods work with Tekkit 3.0.3?

    If yes, I'm doing something wrong on installing them. I plonk the Server files into <tekkitserverfolder>/mods and the Client files into %appdata%/.minecraft/mods. When I tried logging in I get an error.

    Are they not supported or am I doing something wrong. Thanks!

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