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About MehdiSaffar

  • Birthday 11/27/1996

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Grass (2/9)



  1. In the previous release, if you called the move function while something was blocking the frames' movement, the carriage controller would throw an error message AND abort the program you are running ... then in the move function fixed that issue ... and now you're telling us that you "thought of a better way to do it." so I wanted to remind you not to make the move command work like in .. My message was very clear, IMHO. I don't think the terms are intuitive because people will get mistaken. the DRIVE() will "MOVE" with the frames like the carriage engine does while the MOVE() will push the frames while staying put like the carriage DRIVE does ... I dunno ..
  2. As long as it doesn't abort the program simply because it's stuck, it's fine. )
  3. Weird texture I found with Template Carriages. RiM: MFR: 2.6.4 (1.5.1R2.6.4) No Optifine Vanilla texture pack http://youtu.be/7A4j9nqxoUw BTW, I encourage the creation of a Redstone in Motion sub-reddit where we can discuss new features, show our builds and brainstorm for new ideas in an organized way.. That's what Redpower Frames missed. Sure there is this forum but IMHO reddit is way "cleaner" and allows you to look for what you want quickly ..
  4. I'm also so thankful for that. Was coding something for a RiM hidden entrance door in the previous release and the move function aborting the program whenever it was obstructed made it a hellll of a pain in the ass to make (and i didn't even got it to work). I don't know how I've overseen that ... Well I need to give it a shot now ...
  5. That's exactly what I was trying to find out! Anyway, point cleared now :)
  6. I'm not over-thinking it ! I don't understand it ^^ So basically it tells you whether something is blocking it's way or not ? no more ?
  7. What kind of information does it return ?
  8. Simulation ? What do you actually simulate ?
  9. Cool. Though the second feature would be greatly appreciated. But nevertheless if you don't feel like implementing it (which is totally fine since it's your mod and I respect your opinion) I think I have an idea of workaround with Carriage controllers
  10. We have made some cool builds using RiM so we'll probably upload a video where we show them. I'll post it here whenever it's finished ) But I really wish the moveable arm feature to be implemented.
  11. It will allow to make 3D printers, good looking quarrys, contraptions for adventure maps ..
  12. This is basically what I want to do : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNrMKx0K_Lw&feature=youtu.be I'm pretty sure this is easy to code. All you need is make an active side for the motor. This will also solve the problem when a single motor is connected to 2 carriages or more and when given a redstone signal won't move since it doesn't know which one to push. IMHO if implemented, it will allow for big projects!!
  13. Is there a way to make retractable arms inside of moving carriage ? for a quarry for example ...
  14. If you change it, you should put a small note in the tooltip when hovering above the carriages like you can say : "Was called Platform/Support in the previous release" otherwise people will get confused.
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