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About Hello30

  • Birthday 05/07/1978

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Grass (2/9)



  1. When I wear bronze armor on Voltz and I fall into lava, I only seem to start losing health when I get out of the lava. I this a bug, or is this a feature of bronze armor?
  2. You probably haven't portforwarded it probably. I had the same problem for some reason my static IP didn't work but I just changed traffic type to any. Did your brother try to connect to your static IP or the one that you use. (The static one is the one that you don't use right?) because your brother needs to connect to the one that you use.
  3. thank for your comments please don't say anything else
  4. Look I read the guidelines and my tekkit server didn't come up so I suspect I did something wrong and I'll try again.
  5. A few weeks ago I tried to post an open server on the open servers section what I wrote did have a few mistakes. My server stayed there for a while with a little blue symbol, (which I think meant that my server hadn't been checked yet). Eventually my went from the list. Do you not get an alert telling you if your server isn't on? Was I not searching hard enough?
  6. Could someone tell me what they mean as well as any thing like it my sever might be.
  7. Thanks i'm guessing a normal tekkit sever that you download, is not an offlinmode sever which means my sever is not an offlinemode sever.
  8. Is an energy link that machine that converts Industrailcraft power to Buildcraft power
  9. At the bottom of the sever thread guideline page in the threads must never have section it says: Anything that could be considered facilitating piracy. For example, stating that your server is an offlinemode server. Does this mean that you are not allowed to show severs that are not 24/7 when it says 'stating your server is an onlinemode server.'
  10. go and watch a video on you tube on how to create a tekkit server
  11. I want to set up a shop on my Tekkit server that anyone can use, using the plugin ChestShop. The problem is I want to protect my shop using the plugin AreaGuard so it doesn't get griefed, but that means nobody can put any chests down to sell or buy things using chest shop. Could someone please tell me a solution to this problem, as lots of servers have shops that are protected.
  12. kk I already have a Tekkit server on my computer and don't really want to pay for a VPS so i'm just going to have to run it when I can.
  13. i'm guessing that's not free though
  14. , if it is please can someone show me the VPS and the other software I will need.
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