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Sebastian Vandborg

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About Sebastian Vandborg

  • Birthday 03/09/1990

Sebastian Vandborg's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Just want to inform people that I'm still looking for possible servers, so keep on with the suggestions!
  2. Hey! So, I'm in, but there's no one here and there's nothing here.

  3. server IP on Hamchi is Megatarre Corps LLC pass is 123654 or 123456 the minecraft ip is

  4. Right! Awesome :3 Well, give me the IP, and I'll give it a shot.
  5. Sounds interesting! I'll have to note that I may or may not be looking for something more permanent, but for now, I kind of just want something on-off But I'd still love to come along and help you out for a while.
  6. Hi there! As you probably noticed from the title of the thread, I'm looking for just the right Tekkit server, in according to what I'd like in a server. So if you have a server, or know of one that fits, I'd be really happy if you could help direct me towards it Alright! So what I'm looking for is a server where you can just go ahead and pop in, and just straight away start helping someone building something. I'm not a big fan of starting all over again and building up from scratch... because honestly, if I did that, I might as well do it in singleplayer. What I'd like to do is help someone else with his project, as a sort of work-man, I suppose. Not to mention that I'd prefer a non-PvP server, and a server not populated by people who's only got themselves in mind. I've been looking for a while and can't find anything that suits my needs. I hope someone can help me with this! Thank you for reading :)
  7. And now, thanks to my brand new friend here, eeeeverything's been resolved! Thanks a bunch, Super! ^^
  8. Okay, I just tried to join -your- server after doing everything you asked me to, and it's just giving me the whole TubeStuff and things again.
  9. Aaaaand done. Now it's saying I'm missing a MILLION different mods to be able to play on the server. Redpower stuff, Buildcraft, Craftingtable3, just... everything.
  10. Yep, it's not working, it's saying the exact same thing for me when I try to connect to you. "The server requires you to have the following mods: mod_TubeStuff 48.2.1 mod_CompactSolars 2.2 mod_ImmibisCore 48.2.1 mod_IC2NuclearControl v1.1.6" And I know the problem here. The problem is that -my- client has like, TubeStuff 49.something, due to the new client update just a few hours ago, but I can't update my server, and I can't downgrade my client.
  11. Yeah, it -should- have updated to 3.0.4, but now I'm not so sure anymore.
  12. So, I'm hosting a server for me and a couple friends, and the client suddenly wanted to update itself. Now, it's updated stuff like Iron chests, EE, compactsolars, TubeStuff and Immibis... and I can't get on my server, because the mods I have as a -client-, are newer versions than the -server- ones. I tried reverting back to an older version, or manually downgrading my client mods, but none of it works (Especially because Immibis doesn't post older versions of his/her mods). What do I do?
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