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Posts posted by dougdashwitz

  1. Hopefully started this thread in the right area...

    Anyways, i have this GREAT un-original idea for moving the concept of Don't Starve over to minecraft, to basically add multiplayer functionality to a game that could use it.

    So far, im looking at Mo' Creatures mod, Weapon Mod, and a couple others, but that's where i hit a wall

    Anyone out there have ideas of mods to add? I have an empty server ready and waiting for a pack like this.

    I'm thinking of a mod that would make the night add the same effect as getting close to bedrock or same effects as the contagious explosive from Voltz, minus the harmful effects of course. we save those for when your combined health and hunger reach a low point which we could consider losing "sanity" at which point you slowly die unless remedied. Torches or fire (netherrack & flint/steel) provide an aura of relief from the above effects.

    i dont know if a mod like that currently exists or if we could get that effect from a series of mods.

    i will continue my search online, however i have found much faster progress tends to come from community support.

  2. Read the top most sticky (The one that says "Update Failed" and a solution.)



    Downloaded 'minecraft.jar' matches MD5 of version '1.4.2'.[/b]
    [10:14:21] [sEVERE]    Starting download of 'null', with 3 trie(s) remaining
    [10:14:21] [sEVERE]    java.net.MalformedURLException

    Read your own recomendations before posting please, you did nothing but waste our time

  3. Im looking for something just like that, a timer that runs on a computer, thats displayed on a giant monitor, thats the time is configureable, and outputs a redstone signal on one side.

    if anyone has seen similar code elsewhere i may be able to customize it to work... i can stumble my way through coding but am not yet fluent in Lua

  4. Tried using the Item Detector today with no real luck. Can't get the damn thing to work... i will admit i may just be using it wrong, however, i can not for the life of me get this thing to emit a redstone signal.

    im looking for a way to detect when an ic2 Credit is dropped in a chest to open a door/gate for the subway system

    right now im using some standard stone pipe that goes through a diamond pipe, sorts out all the crap and allows only credits to pass, and the drops said credits out of the pipe onto a wooden pressure plate, where an obsidian pipe proceeds to pickup the credit and drop it into a chest.

    and item detector would obviously be the best bet, so if anyone knows how to use it properly or how to set up something like above, please let me know... i dont like entities spewing onto the ground, too much potential to overload the server.


  5. Looking for someone out there that might be able to either point me in the right direction for my soon to be RPG server.

    I'm assembling the server today and most likely tomorrow, and testing over the next couple weeks. Currently the only thing holding me back is the ability to block specific users/classes from using specific recipes.

    Bukkit has a few plugins, like RecipeManager, and BanRecipe, that have compatibility issues. (BanRecipe is known to not work, working on recipemanager now to trial on the server)

    If anyone has an idea for a plugin i can use, or if anyone is creative and capable, and wants to make or edit an existing plugin like this that i can use, i would greatly appreciate it.

  6. To keep things short and sweet, i have a bit of hardware, almost too much for a simple server setup, and a decent upstream. That being said, i already have my own private Tekkit server, but i want something more, something with a bit of an endgame.

    I have ideas, plans even, to make an open world (ish) RPG style server. However, the majority of the plugins i know and love for plain old Bukkit servers aren't quite compatible with Tekkit SMP

    I'm looking for anyone who might be willing to help. I have funds available to rent a server with significantly more bandwidth then i have available to expand to if this proposed server warrants it. But for now i would like to see what i can get running with what i got and see if my ideas hold water.

    Anyone with server setup experience, including setting up all the necessary configs/sql table/so on please shoot me a message

    my server has remote desktop sharing enabled so anyone with a windows system can access it.

    if you know what your doing and are willing to help, i would greatly appreciate it. I know my way around pc's and servers, but for the time being Tekkit is a bit lost on my and im still learning.

    If i can i will find a way to compensate whomever pitches in some help.

    Notifications for this forum and my e-mail forward to my phone, i await your responses

    p.s. Mods, i apologize in advance if this is posted in the wrong section. I did not quite see a section that fit so i went with what i thought was appropriate. Thanks!

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