IGN: dannydevenish
BIO: born in a small town of the cost of the ice sea was a small boy Jon, he grow up it was a normal life of the most part he when to school, had friends and played out side like any
normal boy would but he could help but fill like something was wrong, at night when all was still Jon could hire voice in the room calling to him telling him thing . but Jon took it a pone him self to keep the voice in his head he kept telling him self that it was all just a bad dream and he continent with his life, it was several years later and Jon was becoming a man he was all grown up and was close to him 21 B-day and Jon was getting ready for the bed, but that when the voice came back, voice he had herd for 13 years but it was diffrend this time there was one voice that stood out from the rest it was much louder and it spoke in a clear tone it told him bad thing , she lieing to you, said the voice, she doesn't love YOU!, louder and louder the voice got , and with your best friend as well, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and then quite nothing at all silence ...(Jon past out) the nest day his dad found on the floor and was trying to wake him up , Jon,Jon wake up Jon, gerrrrrrrrrr, Jon frond who,what,were ,its ok Jon its me, said Jon's dad in a soft tone ,are you all right, bit to much drinking last night i should think , are you ok ? , im fine ,said Jon as he when to vomit in to the toilet, HAHAHA, said Jon's dad, yer all sunshine rainbows ,HAHAHA, he continued tp chuckle was it all a dream Jon thort yes it had to be he got up and looked in the mirror eye nose mouth chin , yep he was all still there just a dream Jon when down stairs were him mom was waiting , OH there he is my big boy all grone up you look just like your dad when he was your age , Jon took all the hug and the kiss from, his mum and as far as mum's go he could have ask for a better one she was kind and loving when ever he was ill she would sit nest to his bed and sing softy to him as he sleepet she was one of a kind, when she was talking Jon got one thing out of all the wolds "Sophie" that was the name of his girl friend when she said her name something came back to him "she lieing to you she doesn't love YOU!" the voice had said this could it has meant Sophie no it was a dream that all but no matter how much he thort this he could let go of the thort. the morning came and when as Jon starting walking to college it was a dark day cold to the snow was fresh on the ground. was aboult lunch time when the voice came back very quite and quick but there and saying one thing "left" Jon look around for who had said this but know one was there he look left and there was a hall way like any over but it was dark and at the end was a slice of light coming from a door at the end and out of know where Jon found him self walking to the door he wonted to know NO he need to know what was in there he got to the end and pot his hand on the door and took a peak inside but what he sore he wish he hadn't there was Sophie intwind in the arms of some jock there face's involute to to one and the voice scream and so did Jon a unearthly scream one that shook not just you but your soul to Sophie and the boy looked in horror as the body of Jon rose up and was covered in shadows the undead rose from the ground and grab there arms and leg pulling there down "JON PLEASE" said Sophie terror voice "Jon's not hire" said a voice "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
that was the last that most people of him most didn't even know his rill name most just call him VESANIA with in the town where he came from means "MADNESS"
were is he now and what dose he look like well not much is none any more of him if there news of him in a town he'll be gone before you get there but if you are very lucky or very unlucky to come across him This is what he is most likely to look like
http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=hood with glowing eyes&offset=72#/d3a60kl
P.S. i sorry the Bio is sooo long i love RP and i had to pot the back story in
Servers I am known on well in a J-admin on a tekkit sever, co owner of a minecraft RPG sever player on shaboozy
Special interst in tekkit: EE, Redpower,
time you have used tekkit to play: 1 year
skype name:slenderman
Other games I have experience in roleplaying: fallout 3 and new Vegas Skyrim borderlands 1 and 2