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Everything posted by blockhead7777

  1. Go to the technic website, click technic launcher, and download the jar instead of the exe. Im not sure if you tried this, but it worked for me!!!
  2. Download the jar file (technic-launcher-latest.jar) and spread the word if it works. It worked great for me. Hope this helps, blockhead7777.
  3. Download the jar file. The .exe didn't work for me, but the jar did.
  4. I tried running the technic launcher as administrator and it came up with an error message that said "Unable to find a correct version of the runtime" with "Microsoft .net framework initialization error" as the title, but I have service pack 3 for windows 32-bit. What should I do? P.S.: Try downloading the technic-launcher-latest.jar under the .jar version for windows, mac, and linux. I downloaded it and ran it and it worked perfectly, lol!!!
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