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Posts posted by Sakata

  1. My apology's but this is outside my expertise. I don't know much about json. However I will look into it and see what I can do.

    Edit: What field are you talking about?



    The specific one I'd like to use is from the news post:


    "A new optional 'javaArguments' field has been added to our object model of the version.json file. This new field is a text string in which modpack authors can add java runtime arguments to add to their pack startup command. Please remember that the edited version.json file needs to be inside the root of modpack.jar."


    if you can figure this out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

  2. Ahh, ok.  Thanks for that link.  Technically I could set that up, but our budget isn't exactly great, so I'm wondering, is there a way to use solder on some other (hopefully free) service?  I could easily set up a vhost for solder, but it would be on my home connection -- which isn't exactly brimming with upload bandwidth.

  3. Hey there.


    Unfortunately, you cannot use Java on RT.  Oracle last I'd heard had decided that RT was not going to be supported.  Probably the only thing Oracle has done that I don't want to smash their face in for.  The Surface RT uses an ARM processor, which does not work with the Intel instruction set.


    In other words, general computers "speak" Intel.  The Surface RT "speaks" ARM.  Since java, and many programs are written and compiled to "Intel", the ARM doesn't understand it.


    Personally, I'd return the Windows RT tablet, and get a real computer that isn't dumbed down.

  4. plow, I haven't seen how this API works.  Google returns irrelevant stuff for me about soldering (electronics).  I'm not sure if there is a program that I can use that makes management of this easier, or really, any mention of it at all.  If you have a good link to read up on it, I'd love to find anything that could make managing this modpack easier.  Right now it's almost a part-time job XD

  5. Hello,


    I was thinking about some of the hosting solutions' bandwidth/count limits, and I had a thought.  The 7zip library is open source and free for anyone to use, and has support for a fair number of compression formats.  I'm not sure if Java has a way to tap into non-java dll's, but if it does, I think this would make many server owners (as far as hosting the download of the pack) much, much happier when it comes to download traffic.  On average, my pack for example saves around 10MB if compressed with the highest compression level in 7zip.  For my pack, only a few people play it, but I do quite regular updating, and it would save the host an average of around 1.3GB if not more a month in bandwidth.  Larger servers would be able to save considerably more.


    Again, I thank you for having this easy to use platform, and only hope for it to grow even stronger, which is why I made these suggestions.  Hopefully there are no technical limitations to this idea.

  6. Hey there Luke.

    Thanks for the guide, it has served me well, and I'd imagine quite a few others as well.


    With #411, they added the ability to put in java arguments into the version.json which is really really nice.


    My next question then, it what is the proper method of adding this field to the json file, without hosing the rest of it?  It would appear to me that some of the bits of information are automatically generated when technic does... whatever it does, with the modpack file -- and I'm not sure how one edits this file without hosing the whole thing.


    I really do appreciate the guide, and thank you for the time in making it, and hopefully updating it to reflect how to properly include the java argument value to our packs.


  7. Well, I did a google search, trolled this site for 3 hours, and have done this several times in the past as well.

    This question gets asked over and over again, and no real answers come of it, just the same things over and over about disabling a certain mod, or whatever.

    So here it is: How does the user properly define the arguments used by the launcher to 'launch' a mod? I have several options that I want to use that will increase my old-as-hell computer's performance with the modpack I use -- and so far the question has been asked more times than I care to count with no real answer given a single of those times.

    Is there a flat-file that I've just not found after poking around in the technic launcher files, or are java options hard-coded by whoever makes the launcher? If it is a flat-file that is user-editable, please, can someone tell me where this is?

    If it is not currently user-configurable, I would ask for this as a feature of the launcher. It would put control where it belongs, in the users' hands -- devs can't realistically predict what is best for every user out there, and some of us know our computers well enough to know options that will work much better for our machine and modpack than the ones that are used. This is a feature in almost every launcher aside from Technic (that I've tried at least), and having this feature would be greatly appreciated for those of us that know what we're doing.

  8. Hey there. While I do much prefer Technic over FtB, there is one thing that I wish that Technic had, on both the launcher and the website: an easy way to determine what version on minecraft the modpack uses. Hopefully this is a small enough suggestion to be fairly easily implemented (It is one of the fields required when a pack is created).

    If this is already a feature and I'm just not seeing it, I do apologize.

  9. I find that I have to manually add LP (Logistics Pipes) to almost all of the mainstream packs. This makes me a sad panda. AE (Applied Energistics) is an awesome mod, and does really nice things, but there are just some things I find LP to do better, or in conjunction with AE. AE and LP are even designed to work seamlessly with one another.

    Some merits that come to mind:

    While AE can do many of the same things that LP can do, there are cases where each has merits over (or in conjunction with) the other.

    AE crafting is nicer on FPS, but watching LP craft things is really cool. Also, AE does have issues crafting some deeply nested recipes, where LP calculates everything all at one time and crafts things much faster, and without failing when the iterations are high (HV solar arrays from compactsolars are a very good example of this).

    AE excels at processing materials and has huge storage benefits, where LP can be used to handle some oddly-behaved machines intelligently.

    LP has some bee-processing functionality, and also does really well with power distribution if used with the charging station/battery mod, or even UE mods (cuts down on power lines all over).

    LP also costs much less in many situations than AE.

    Anyhow, I'd love to see LP included in more mods which have BC in them. It would make a lot of people much more happy with automation and aid people that don't want to use AE quite so much in lieu of BC, but need automatic sorting, processing, and crafting.

  10. I'd recommend just disabling EE as well. It has a lot of imbalances, and is also a griefer's heaven. Pretty much anything legit that EE can do can be done by other mods with a little more effort and resources.

    Okay, sorry if I step on some toes on my second post, but I absolutely hate useless f'n posts like this. If I wanted to disable EE, I'd f'n disable it. I (along with some others apparently) want to FIX the issue, not turn our backs on it completely. So posts like this are useless freakin clutter that you could have just kept to yourself.

    Ugh... anyways -

    Extract TileEntityMacerator.class from the industrialcraft server mod - ic2/common/TileEntityMacerator.class

    Open the class in your favourite hex editor and do a search/find for hex values "B2009A08B7".

    When it shows you where it found those hex values, change the 08 to a 05 (so it becomes B2009A05B7)

    Save the changes and copy the class back into the industrialcraft zip, overwriting the original.

    If these instructions do not make any sense, don't attempt it as you can easily break it. It's only a one byte patch though so it should be very straight forward.

    This will change the blaze rod macerator recipe so it gives 2 blaze powders instead of 5, so it no longer gives a free emc gain.

    Ultimately though you will want to patch a whole lot of things if you are want to balance EE out without removing it.

    I'd love to do that, but I do believe it would require the client to get this mod as well? Or could they be as normal, and the server just doesn't give them the expected 5? Also, there are quite a few items that need the same fix. My ideal situation would be to leave IC2 alone, but modify the EMC values so that they aren't 'cheaty' anymore (though they'd lose EMC if they convert rods to powder via non-ic2 methods)

    I was really hoping that someone else may have figured out a way to either disable maceration of certain objects (they can use a crafting table for most anyways for the legit result), or if someone has already make a 'patch' mod that takes care of all of the abusive recipes for either mod.

  11. Has anyone come up with a fix for this? does the NoItem plugin work?

    I've disabled much of EE, but I'd like to be able to still have the gem of eternal density and the condensers, perhaps even the relay re-enabled. The problem is EE doesn't have a way to edit EMC values or rates.

    If NoItem doesn't work, has any brave soul decompiled EE2 and manually changed the values to be balanced with IC2?

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