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Everything posted by Nogitsune

  1. Another thing don't expect things like waterwheat from crossing watermellons and wheat. It a time consuming back breaking mind numbing thing to do that will frustrate you to the point of screaming obscenities at your monitor.... But if you can get through it all and create some of the better plants they will reward you with Iron, Gold, and Glowstone and when Tekkit 3.0 arrives BEER AND RUM MUAHAHHAHAHAHA..... Just don't drink to much alcohol poisoning is very possible in this game :3.
  2. Thats fine thought I might ty.
  3. Ok its early in the morning so excuse me if I'm a little hard to understand or not reading this fully lol. Could I say take the new IC2 update and put it in the Vanilla area to play it there instead of updating the Technic area or would this cause issues?
  4. Mmmm I'll add some popcorn salt mined from the 4th level of ban he|| to the bet lol.
  5. Launcher/pack Version: Tekkit 2.1.1 Operating System: Windows 64 Version of Java: 64 bit Description of Problem: I suddenly froze while playing in a server and when I tried to pull Tekkit back up the launcher would say "Update 0/3" then cancel and not pull anything up. Tries to pull it up again have ended the same way with one or two making it to 86% then cancelling out. Error Message: N/A Log: N/A due to me attempting to remove and reinstall Tekkit.
  6. Are you sure you have the texture for Tekkit inside the texture for Vanilla?
  7. I actually had this problem today and wiped out an entire island with a destruction catalyst (set to its lowest to avoid eating the thing) and spent three hours before giving up when I found nothing but a giant hole with nothing but bedrock at the bottom.
  8. There's also the use of a advanced insertion pipe which is two stone 1 red stone and 1 glass that attempts to insert the ore in and if it cannot will send it to the next available inventory i.e. the chest it came from. I usually make a circuit just to make sure it goes back into the chest and because I'm bored. They also do not connect to cobblestone pipes since they are made from stone. I use these type of things to keep saplings and fertilizer running into a biomass creator. Costs me nothing more valuable than a piece of redstone. I even have redstone torches running my engines constantly and have never had anything pop back out of the system.
  9. Yea broke it off multiple times thinking I could reset it after placing it. I've done everything I can think of including sticking a chunk loading block on top of the pipes.
  10. So I was trying to pump oil from a location about 400m away, I was using waypoints to find my way there and back, and when I turned it on I headed back after placing 4 chuck loading blocks in a square around it just to make sure I got any oil around the area in the loading. When I reached my base I took a bucket to start up an engine for refining and got nada from it. I repeatedly checked the pump and the engines to no avail. Thinking the pipes might be messed up I replaced the stone with gold even though I could see oil flowing into both and headed back. I also have many chunk loading blocks in my home even though my friends rarely leave the area and I come back to check again. Still no oil so I decided to check the waterproof teleport pipe there and find it to be flickering between 0 and 1 connected pipes. Sorry about the long story but I wanted to give as much detail as I could before I asked does anyone know what causes that or how to fix it? I'm currently running the most recent Tekkit.
  11. I have this Texture pack myself and don't have any issues but I'm willing to help you out. First off which one did you get 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256 or 512x512 (Located here http://bdcraft.net/download-purebdcraft-texturepack-for-minecraft in case you need to reference it.) Thats for just the Vanilla textures. Next up is did you download 64x64 or 128x128 for Tekkit (I believe you have to have either Vanilla 64x64 and Tekkit 64x64 or Vanilla 128x128 and Tekkit 128x128 or it won't work. Again found here http://bdcraft.net/node/65) After that did you unzip the files and copy them from the Sphax Tekkit Texture folder into the Sphax Vanilla Texture folder? If you didn't that would mean you wouldn't have the textures for Tekkit. Past that the only thing I can think of that would cause an issue is it not being in the Tekkit Texturepack folder. Hope this helps!
  12. Alright I have been beating my head into a wall in an attempt to get my Tekkit to work and have thus far been unable to. I got my server set up and got it running but when I got on (thought my Tekkit had updated) my server said I was missing the necessary mods (the ones in 2.1). After trying to update then reinstalling Tekkit then trying to take the 2.1 files and copy/paste them into my Tekkit folder for the past 15 hours I have finally given up after running out of ideas and redoing them three times. (Yes I probably could've asked earlier and saved myself time and a headache but I wanted to be thorough) So I'm now breaking down and asking how in the heck do I get Tekkit upgraded to 2.1 it wasn't this hard last time lol. I feel like an idiot for asking but can anyone help?
  13. Actually I'm using the x64 version and it has everything but the weapons mod currently. I don't know if they plan to add that in or not but I currently have tried and tested the x64 one and it works perfectly fine for me. I didn't think I'd have to mention that because I hadn't heard of it not working if you weren't running x128 version. Sorry if it doesn't work for anyone but as far as I've tried it has for me. (Sorry meant to put this in as well) Here's the link to BDCraft http://bdcraft.net/ And the link to the Tekkit supporting pack http://bdcraft.net/node/65
  14. Yea theres one by Sphax called BDCraft but you'll have to browse the forum on the Texture Packs website to find the download for the Tekkit stuff. If you wanna see a bit of it here is 1 of 4 (currently) of a video for Tekkit and the Texture Pack. (they include the link to the Texture Pack in there as well)
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