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Denwa Denwash

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Posts posted by Denwa Denwash

  1. My problem was similar. Couldn't get the launcher to run, or the .jar file. I tried the .bat file which did nothing, actually less then nothing, cause what it did I had to remove anyway being useless. No offence to the creator. I tried only 64 bit java, and only 32 bit java, changing the path name, different versions of java, nothing worked.

    In the end, I tried something I should've done in the first place, but completely forgot about. I merely right-clicked the technic-launcher.jar file and used open with, and chose both of my Java options (64-bit system, I have 32-bit and 64-bit Java installed) until one of them worked. Dunno whether this'll fix anyone else's problems or not, but just in case other people didn't think to try it. :)

    indeed. however there seems to be a group of people who cannot run the client properly under 7 for whatever reason. chances are good that it's something they did to screw up their own PC, but it's far easier to tell them how to use 6 instead of 7 when needed than it is to figure out what kind of nubcakery they have perpetrated on their systems and fix that.

    Freakachu, my pc never installed the JDK whenever I tried either, and that's with only just Java downloaded straight with the JDK. So it's not necessarily the users fault, sometimes there are glitches in programs that users can't figure out, because they either don't have the experience, or the users that could fix it are lucky and don't get the problem.

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