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Everything posted by Matster1998

  1. Title: Rp Frames Causing Crashing on whoever looks at it Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows Java Version: 6 update 34 Description of Problem: A plane was made by using support frames and frame motors. This plane is transporting spawners and has torches. Whoever gets close to it crashes. The timer for the frame motor is set to 3 seconds. Error Messages: The error message does not last long before it whitescreens, so it is impossible to cope the message Error Log: Removing spawners does not prevent crashes. It does not crash when moving downwards.
  2. I've had the same problem, and I simply clicked on my name below my avatar and everything reloaded and it is working fine now. The avatar and name can be found in the technic launcher, just open it.
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