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Everything posted by Tezcacoatll

  1. I'll work on it. I didn't notice the BetterDungeons and BiomesOPlenty weren't actually working. I could have sworn they were, but it seems I was too focused on fixing ID conflicts before and missed it. I also forgot about the MDK thing. I did get the pack to load the other mods, though. Thank you for your help. I'll work on fixing the rest a bit later before I set it to public.
  2. I spent two weeks trying to get these mods to work properly together and this was the only way they would cooperate, though through the vanilla launcher with modding it normally. I have adjusted things to work together well enough that the pack does what I want it to do without conflicting. For the things you say should not be there, they work and I either could not find another download for them without that for 1.6.4 or it is the only one that would actually function without breaking everything or just refusing to run at all, depending on the mod. As for the missing jar file, I will fix that and see what it does.
  3. Updated first post with the URL. EDIT: I seem to have it at least downloading now... I fully removed it from my packs list in the launcher and redid the dropbox link entirely and now it's downloading... I'm not sure what the problem was, as it gave me no further errors or reports on it. I guess I'll see if it finishes now and if it will play properly. EDIT 2: It downloaded and installed all the mods, but none of them are working... If I can't figure it out, I'll post another thread about that issue...
  4. I am trying to set up a technic pack of my modpack, which I have previously only used in a modded vanilla launcher. I figured it would be easier to run it through Technic, but am unable to even get the download to happen. When I add my modpack's URL and click play, it shows that it begins to download it, but then gives me this error saying it failed. I have tried 2 different download locations, the current one being my dropbox. Nothing seems different, regardless. It looks like it finds the file, but can't download it. When the error occurs, the progress on the right stops at (NEGATIVE) "-4568800%.modpackname-1.0.zip." The number seems random every time. I have been away from Technic for a couple years now, so what might be going wrong? http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/magimek EDIT: I have tried filehosting.org, dropbox, and copy.com. They all have direct links that work perfectly when pasted into any browser. The launcher still cannot download it.
  5. This server is a very good server. I was an admin along with the the staff here when we were on another server. I've been pretty bored with tekkit lately and have too much going on, so I won't apply for staff here, but it is the ONLY tekkit server left that I actually enjoy playing on. I can honestly say the staff are great people, as are most of the members that I know. They've taken great care of this server so far and it looks incredible. The staff are very knowledgeable of how to run a server properly and effectively and are very fair. The list of banned items is quite fair and I fully agree with all of them, having been an admin and op on several servers and having my own private server. It's not that popular yet, but that's one reason it has a post here. Let's make this the most popular tekkit server ever, because let's face it, no other server can compare to this!
  6. I've been on this server for months, since before the map reset a while ago. I've only found one other server I enjoy being on as much as this one. The people here are usually very friendly and helpful. Most of the staff is quite knowledgeable about a lot of things and are always willing to help when they can. I could go on and on and make a wall-o-text, but I'll just leave it at that.
  7. iwolves, you can step it down to LV. The quarry runs at full speed with 9 EU/t. That's over 500EU/t being put out to the quarry and not used. Multiply that by 20 and you've got your EU loss per second. The numbers are shocking. Use a batbox, friend. b0bst3r, that's because the 3 dot side is the output. Anyone who knows that's the output will know that. lol
  8. I'm having the same problem. My setup is a lot more simple, though. I've got a geothermal to glass fibre to batbox. From that, glass fibre to energy link. Out of the energy link, I've got wooden conductive to stone conductive, which is connected to the quarry. The black and yellow wire frame is there, so the quarry is set. The blue electricity line is going through the pipes into the quarry, but it's not moving. It's literally just using the energy from the geothermal and not doing anything with it. Any ideas? Or is the server I'm playing on just broken? Quarries work for other people without energy links. I want to use my setup, because it's a lot simpler and won't explode, but it's not functioning. Nevermind. I was told to put the quarry within my claim to keep it on my own land, but I figured out that it doesn't have "permission" to build within that area, so it can't be in protected land.
  9. Anyone have any ideas at all?
  10. Title: world won't load after entering it Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit Java Version: 1.7.0_05 Description of Problem: A friend of mine just got Tekkit today and when she connects to my server she can't see anything but the sky, chat, and her own character. The blocks and entities do not load. We have tried getting rid of it and reinstalling. Her java was just updated before installing Tekkit. Everything else on her system is up to date and she can run normal minecraft just fine. No one else is having this issue on my server. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem and how to fix it aside from what we've already tried? I should also mention that it won't even let me clear the cache. Error Messages: Error Log:
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