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  1. That was a pretty useless post. Btw you're garbage.
  2. I tried with SMP, it isn't using the proxy or something because it continues to give me unexpected end of file, which basically means it cannot authenticate your account, while the proxy allows you to log in to the technic launcher.
  3. Thanks! I'll try it when I get home. If you guys could let those who need a method like this know about this post I would appreciate it. Again, thanks for your help!
  4. I tried putting the line you suggested above the command I had, but the launcher restarts running with the other parameters. It does create the folder rtemp though. If anyone has other ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hey guys, I've made considerable progress with using proxies with the technic/tekkit launcher. This is the command I use in a .bat file with SOCKS, HTTP, HTTPS proxy servers. Hope this helps! java -Dsocks.proxyHost= -Dsocks.proxyPort=1757 -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -dhttp.proxyHost= -dhttp.proxyPort=80 -jar technic-launcher-latest.jar I've tried running the jar in command prompt but it reboots with different parameters. The exe isn't considered a java program, so it doesn't run with proxy. This command works perfectly with the minecraft.exe Hope this helps!
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