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About xpresas

  • Birthday 05/06/1997

xpresas's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Thanks man you really helped me.
  2. Title: EnderChest ID's BUG Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: CentOS Java Version: Java Sun 7u3 Description of Problem: So my problem is that I CANT change EnderChest id. In the Client ID is 178 but in the server its changing from 241-242 or 251-252... IF I TRYING TO CHANGE AND SAVE on server launch it just reverses back to 252... And the thing is if I try to craft ender chest in the server I get Internal server error... To avoid this every player need's to go to his .tekkit/config enderstorage.cfg and change 178 to 252... Error Messages: No error messages. Error Log: No log.
  3. Nope still reversing to 252...
  4. Hey guys I have CentOS VPS Java sun 1.7... And One problem In my client Ender Chest ID is 178. But In server config is 251-252. When I change it just reverts back. What Do I need to do to make it 178.
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