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About hardc0de

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. I understand your point, but it's how i reply in these cases. 1) Pleased to hear. I'd blog it. 2) i'm a computer engineering student after all 3) i really had trouble finding where development happened. It would be supernice if in the main site someone made a developers page with git info and developer info like: * our buildsystem uses maven * our git repo is here-> link * external libs are here 4) i agree, that's why ncurses(CUI) exists. java -jar launcher.jar --update would give you update options and perform updates. Not so difficult to achieve with *current* infastructure. Steps would be creating a CLI ui program and add to maven. Creating YAML config for constructing tekkit server. 5) Being mean/a dick/arrogant triggers shitty responses from me automagically. I wanted to create something like this modpack for ages... I had a working mockup(in C++/Qt) that had multiple minecraft instances working, but i never started coding the minecraft profile importer. I had profiles like this. <profile> .... <overlay type="jar"> <source type="http" value="[url]http://blabla"[/url] /> </overlay> <overlay type="config"> <source type="http" value="[url]http://blabla"[/url] /> </overlay> </profile> I never acted like that. just consider, why should one contribute if community is full of hate and insults?
  2. My github account http://github.com/admiral0. Insulting people is useless.... I proposed a couple of things, all ignored. Now let's be clear. Suggestions: * Solve DMCA issue or move your git repository if solving is impossible * Prevent same issues in the future by doing a construct script (i can help here if you stop insulting) * mods - create a sticky: "development is happening on github: please look at the logs for infos and please don't ask stupid questions" * why not make a minilauncher(cmdline) in java for the server? So it downloads everything and assembles à la technic launcher. (would help, so the codebase is the same with the GUI launcher) * stop being arrogant please. it's just annoying, it doesn't contribute to the discussion except for the lulz. I'm sorry if i offended anyone, but i don't tollerate being treated like that.
  3. I'm not complaining about missing updates. It's the attitude that some have when asking for updates. There is a reason why server admins want 1.2.X and i explained in my first post. A more "human" response would be a sticky post with: You say this(giving updates) bothers you, but it would be good incentive for people to actually clone your repo and help(me ncluded) to have release sooner. PS. I'm not here to insult anybody, just for a constructive talk.
  4. Are you a developer? I doubt it. So i'm out of fucks to give today.
  5. FIY 1.2.x adds better networking support. Lighting is being calculated on the client (finally!!!!) instead of doing it on the server (and producing net and CPU overhead). Also there is new anvil format permits double the height the actual 1.1 does and is engineered better for network transmission. So stop insulting people and tell at least where development happens. You know your github/Technic git repo is down for DMCA? If i were you i'd do a construct.pl script that downloads bits and pieces from various sources and assembles the ZIP so nobody can fill DMCA takedown requests any more. So please stop acting like "No status updates!!! 111one!!" and be serious.
  6. Yep. If the patch would be accepted i could start hacking.
  7. cloud storage on ftp should not be difficult, but bandwidth would make sync slow.
  8. I would do a patch for the technic launcher. There would be a new button "Sync.." that would open a window with hosts and maps on them. And options to set password.
  9. Directly in the launcher...
  10. If i made a patch for lan-wide sync of maps, would you be interested? Tech solution: zeroconf for client discovery (adds dep for jmdns) direct socket connection (unencrypted, too lazy to do SSL) with password for data transfer. What do you think? Explanation for non-techs: computer A and B are connected in the same network(wifi whatever) computer A: start technic launcher computer B: start technic launcher computer B: detect A's launcher. Move/Copy maps from A to B over network.
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