Edit sorry typos in the first.
What i wish to do: be left alone to my own mad devices.
Have i played said mods: Yes. right up to the endgame all on survial.
The purpose of the macerator: Its in the name it crushes and grinds ores and gives you the equivalent of 2 ingots which can be smelted into ingots or put in a condenser immediately so you don't waste energy.
No recommendations exept the tekkit people rated you a deluxe server you lucky fellows.
Other things to know: I tried playing with my friends on one but half did not know what to do and the
half didn't care. The few that did blew me up consecutive times because I was so much faster at the
stuff then anyone else and I eventually left. So I needed a real server one that actually would have respectful people. Oh and I don't work well with others I'm much faster on my own.