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Everything posted by Time

  1. Edit sorry typos in the first. Age:15 What i wish to do: be left alone to my own mad devices. Have i played said mods: Yes. right up to the endgame all on survial. The purpose of the macerator: Its in the name it crushes and grinds ores and gives you the equivalent of 2 ingots which can be smelted into ingots or put in a condenser immediately so you don't waste energy. No recommendations exept the tekkit people rated you a deluxe server you lucky fellows. Other things to know: I tried playing with my friends on one but half did not know what to do and the half didn't care. The few that did blew me up consecutive times because I was so much faster at the stuff then anyone else and I eventually left. So I needed a real server one that actually would have respectful people. Oh and I don't work well with others I'm much faster on my own.
  2. Name:choyer7 Age:15 What i wish to do: be left alone to my own mad devices Have i played said mods: yes right up to the endgame all on survial The purpose of the macerator: its in the name it crushes and grinds ores and gives you the equivalent of 2 ingots which can be smelted into ingots or put in a condenser immediately so you don't waste energy. No recommendations exept the tekkit people rated you a deluxe server you lucky fellows. Other things to know: I tried playing with my friends on one but half did not know what to do and the half didn't care. the few that did blew me up consecutive times because it was so much faster at the stuff then anyone else and i eventually left. so i needed a real server one that actually would have respectful people. Oh and I don't work well with others I'm much faster on my own.
  3. Time


    Title: bore Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: lion imac Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: the tunnel bore won't mine the modded gems and yes I'm using a diamond head Error Messages: Error Log:
  4. Title: Bore won't work Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: lion imac Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: the tunnel bore won't mine gems and is halting my tunnels Error Messages: Error Log:
  5. Time


    Solved the problem don't bother replying
  6. Time


    Title: Collecters Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: 27 inch iMac with lion Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: At a certain hight level my energy collectors stopped working i was using a full size collector unit fully upgraded i didn't accidentally pass the hight limit. Error Messages: Error Log:
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