In-Game Name: bart0vds
Age: 16
Experience with Tekkit: above average
Did you read the rules?: yes
Your personal link:
yeah that was a bit confusing. with "We need more slots, its full :/" i assumed that you stopped whitelisting people, so i wanted to know, when you start whitelisting again will you still take my application, and when will you start whitelisting again?
the mod is perfect thank you for linking it. and for me it also works on a tekkit server i play with friends. i dont know why it doesnt work for you. but make sure you both copied the mod files to the minecraft jar located at ...\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit\bin
not the jar in the normal .minecraft folder
altough everyone has to have the mod installed individually
ok, thats to bad for me but its nice to see how many people are interested, and it's better than no whitelist where everyone is strugling to get in and lag . when you have a slot open because people left, will you accept new people who posted here??
Minecraft name: bart0vds
Age: 16
Location: Holland
What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?):
no mayor projects planned, of course build my own little factory! nothing to exaggerated, also i really enjoy watching other people's builds and helping people them out.
i am really looking for a simple and stable server for some time now, so i really hope you will accept me because this looks almost to good to be true.