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Everything posted by Gamerguide0

  1. Come watch Ep # 5 where I make some better crafting equipment!!!!
  2. Episode 4 is up for watching!
  3. Episode 3 is also available for viewing!
  4. Episode Two is now up! http://youtu.be/DFwFWYryox4
  5. I guess I could use some more players, my server won't really be up 24/7 though, only when I'm home so if you still want to join, pm me and I'll add you on skype if you have it?
  6. I guess I'm the usual "Let's Play" dude. I'd like to think not. How about, my let's play invovles pranks, yes, that's right. As my "Let's Play" evolves, the pranking shall begin > I'm not going to bore you with the usual chatter.. This forum is about "Let's Plays" and this, certainly is. The first episode is just me and myself, but in the videos to come, more people will join. Well, to be totally honest, the episodes will start off as a normal "Let's Play" I will be me getting my machines up and running, then, the chaos will unfold. Breathe a sigh of relief as a new style of Tekkit begins, total Anarchy. For the video links look down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Unfortunately my world file was deleted and no more episodes were made. If you like the series come check out my other videos thanks for your time
  7. Oh yeah! New to Tekkit! But I have played a bit of Technic SSP :P

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