Launcher Version:
Operating System: Windows XP
Java Version: Java 6 update 33
Antivirus Program: on the tekkit server I play on has had some weird stuff happening. If someone stands next to an overheated engine of any kind it'll kill you. Also even if you go right back your stuff is gone. Once 2 combustion overheated combustion engines blew up a guys house btw this wasn't just a regular blow up as for the ground underneath fine. Also a combustion engine powering a quarry killed a lot of people and took there stuff(they lost dark and red matter not kidding)all along the quarry was fine. Also a redstone engine killed me. But I was lucky cause I got my stuff back but plz fix this so other people don't lose there hard earned items.
Description of Problem:
on the tekkit server I play on has had some weird stuff happening. If someone stands next to an overheated engine of any kind it'll kill you. Also even if you go right back your stuff is gone. Once 2 combustion overheated combustion engines blew up a guys house btw this wasn't just a regular blow up as for the ground underneath fine. Also a combustion engine powering a quarry killed a lot of people and took there stuff(they lost dark and red matter not kidding)all along the quarry was fine. Also a redstone engine killed me. But I was lucky cause I got my stuff back but plz fix this so other people don't lose there hard earned items.
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